Common Problems and Solutions

When trying to download an article the error appears: 'Not in a newsgroup'

Some news servers do not comply to the standard and require that before requesting an article the newsgroup is selected. Check the advanced option 'Set newsgroup before download' to solve this.

I don't want those multigroups.

Go to advanced options and set the multigroup tolerance to 100%.

I'm using AOL and I can't find a news server.

AOL doesn't support NNTP, you'll need a third party news server.

My headers are gone while they should still be on the news server.

NewsReactor uses a 'smart' method of finding expired articles. You can set the number of retention days manually to override this in advanced options.

While scanning a newsgroup NewsReactor suddenly crashes.

Go to advanced options, select 'Debug logging to log.txt'. Enable only one thread. Scan the newsgroup. When the crash happens send the last 100 lines of this log to: